

After moving many times in my life, I have become accustomed to decluttering belongings from time to time. I need to give away the books and clothes I no longer need. I want to reduce my burden before the next move. Whenever I pick up an item, I ask whether it is worth keeping.

When it comes to value, there are different angles to determine it. Recent news reports that a baseball card in the US was auctioned off for a final price of 12.6 million dollars! This is the market value. Market prices can be volatile. The same card, if it is in Africa, may be worth nothing.

Items may have practical value. People who have just had knee surgery need crutches, walkers, knee braces, etc., which are considered necessities. After the body recovers, those medical devices become useless. Some things are for appreciation and enjoyment. We can look at them and play with them, and our mood turns peaceful and joyful. Some things have efficiency value. Without them, efficiency drops. But with them, we can save time and effort.

Some things provide sentimental value. When I was little, I liked toy soldiers with a 1:72 scale. They were troops from Europe, the US, Japan, and other countries, with about 50 pieces in each set. I collected more than 20 sets, nearly 1,000 toy soldiers. Before I came to the US to study, I gave them, except 5 bodyguards, to a friend a few years younger than me. Years later, only 2 survived, and they still bring back sweet memories.

No matter from which angle to define value, we know all material things go through wear and tear. At a certain point, they’ll be tossed away without regret. As the Bible says, “We brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out.” True friends and relatives don’t need momentous for us to see in order to remember them. Their relationships with us have taken deep root in our memories.

If there is enough space, and no extra effort to store, we may want to keep our belongings for a few more years. However, if it becomes burdensome and causes anxiety, we should dispose of them as soon as possible. Reducing our material possessions will free us to focus on more important things in life.

Pastor Ken  2022