Why I Wrote “Detour to Agape”

by Ruth

What do you look for in a fiction book? Besides an interesting plot, I like to be inspired and educated. Also, beauty, imagery, mood, and emotions are important to me. If the book can edify me with a serious theme, it’s a bonus.

A few years ago, we spent three months traveling around Egypt, Israel, and Turkey. The idea of this book took shape back then.

I can never write for the sake of writing and entertaining. So, I wrote this with a grievous topic in mind: the evil of human trafficking.

Note: Although this book is a sequel to Blazing China and a prequel to Love at the Garden Tomb, each of my books stands alone as a distinct and unique story.

Here is some information about this book:

Words: 60,000

Tagline: Self-sacrifice… Love grows into agape. 


A self-made executive with everything except a trophy wife. A woman with her life falling apart. A shared past they can’t forget and a future they fear.

Yao Chen and Ann-Ann Lee dated years earlier and broke up over their troubled history. Now Yao is courting a lovely girl with the right connections to expand his conglomerate, but he doesn’t love her. Ann-Ann is jobless after her company’s bankruptcy, and her fiancé called off their wedding when she revealed her wild past. As a trip through Egypt, the Holy Land, and Turkey throws them together, they can no longer avoid each other. When the mystery they unravel of his missing friends turns on them in Istanbul, they must decide how much they’re willing to give up for love.

While imminent danger lies before them, can they uncover their friends’ whereabouts and maybe even find their way back to each other’s hearts in a true Detour to Agape?


I dedicate this book, first and foremost, to my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and furthermore, to my brothers and sisters in Christ who have supported us in our ministry over the years.

As this is a sequel to Blazing China and a prequel to Love at the Garden Tomb, I again wish to honor the numerous Christians in China who remain steadfast under tremendous pressure and suffering even today.

Last but not least, many thanks to Hetay Jargalsaikhan of Among Foundation (www.amongfoundation.org), who shared with me his anti-human trafficking activities in Asia. With this, I also hope to bring focus to the many Christian men and women who work alongside different organizations to fight the evil of human trafficking.

Somebody recently posted a 1-star review for Detour to Agape on Amazon. Since this book deals with a serious issue (human trafficking), I wonder if he/she has a hidden agenda and tried to discredit my book.