Analysis and Design

Analysis and Design

When I was a kid, whenever there was a problem with a toy, such as a spring-powered car that didn’t run, or a flashlight that didn’t light up, I liked to take them apart to see how they worked. I tried to identify the problem and fix it. Quite often, I couldn’t put it back. Regrettably, I just had to accept that I had lost another toy.

Later, when I studied engineering in college, I realized that analysis and design are two related but distinct fields of study. An analysis is the research following the occurrence of a problem to find a reasonable explanation, then define the requirements and safe conditions to avoid the same problem from happening again. Design is to build or manufacture new products according to those requirements to solve the original problem.

For example, a 12-story building collapsed. After analysis, it was found that the groundwater level was rising, reducing the bearing capacity of the soil. The conclusion is that in the future exploration of the groundwater level, attention should be paid to the seasonal changes in the environment. According to this explanation, there will be many options in the future design such as adding drainage or reducing the height of the building.

Human relationships also need analysis and design. If the relationship is not good between two individuals who have to work together or even live together, problems arise. Every time they talk, they argue and ridicule each other. It’s unwise to repeat the same pattern of communication and expect a different result. To analyze, you must recall the words uttered by both parties along with the body language. You need to know why you got so upset. Were there old scores yet to be settled? Were there changes in the circumstances? The next step is to design. Think of what to say and what not to say, and how to control the tone and volume of your voice.

To improve interpersonal relationships, we must reflect often. The philosopher Socrates said, “An unexamined life is not worth living”. He meant to encourage people to constantly reflect upon various issues in life in order to live meaningfully. This includes reflecting on how we interact with others. We should have adequate reflection and thorough analysis. Then we can have a wise design and build up good relationships.

Pastor Ken 2022