by Ruth
As a scientist with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, I struggled with the issue of creation vs. evolution for quite a long time after I became a Christian.
I read numerous books on the subject. The evolution camp started with Darwin and the Origin of Species. It talks about fossils, molecular biology (DNA links between species), etc. The creation side focused on Genesis in the Bible and put forth various ideas to challenge or clarify evolution, including Young Earth creationism, the micro-induction theory of evolution, etc.
The more I studied, the more questions arose. Was the evolution characterized by continuous progression, uniform processes, or something else entirely? What was the likelihood of humans evolving through this process? Did God really create the entire universe in 6 days? What does a day mean to God who is beyond the limitation of time and space? I boldly brought my questions to the Lord in prayers, and He answered me in a profound way as outlined below.
The debate between creation and evolution is unnecessary because both sides overlook an important factor. God transcends time and space.
Creation and evolution both involve the element of time, but God is beyond time. In fact, God created time and can’t be confined to it.
The question remains: Why does the Bible teach that God created the world in six days?
Here is the answer I received in response to my earnest inquiry: God has to reveal Himself using a method humans can understand. Thus, the Bible was compiled in human languages. But our languages, just like us, have the constraints of time and space. The only verse in the Bible not written in human languages is the writing on the wall in the book of Daniel. Those people couldn’t comprehend, and Daniel translated for them.
In Genesis 1 and 2, using just a few paragraphs, Moses spoke of the fact that God created the entire universe. If I were to re-write Genesis 1 and 2, could I do a better job than Moses? I don’t think so because no matter how I try, our language always carries the limitation of time.
I believe in creation. It may not be exactly six days. The Bible uses human terms to convey the message that God created the universe. It doesn’t matter whether it’s six days or six million years. To God, there is no difference anyway. The debate between creation and evolution is futile, because the argument focuses on the “time element,” but fails to acknowledge the fundamental truth that our God as portrayed in the Bible is not confined to time.