

by Ruth

This year’s Easter is fast approaching. While I meditate on Christ’s sacrificial love for me on the cross and His resurrection, I couldn’t help thinking about the questions from visitors to my seekers’ class when my husband and I served together in our third church.

Is it true that a dead man could come back to life after being crucified? Do you really believe it?

I always gave a confirmatory response. “Of course I do. All Christians do.”

They’d often fire the next question. “Show me the proof.”

I mentioned the writing by the first-century Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus (note: he wasn’t a Christian). I also told them the most convincing evidence of Jesus’ resurrection was the change in His disciples’ behaviors. Not just one person, but all of them, turned from cowards before Jesus’ resurrection to martyrs who willingly laid down their lives instead of renouncing their beliefs. If Jesus had not resurrected and appeared to them, it was an impossibility. Besides, when the Gospel books were written and circulated, many people around Jesus’ time were still alive. If Jesus’ disciples weren’t speaking the truth about the resurrection, then their contemporaries would have said something to dispute their claims.

Sometimes I also talked about the Shroud of Turin, the linen cloth that many believe was used to wrap Jesus’ body after His crucifixion. A few years ago, I was intrigued by the mysterious phenomenon and studied quite a few books on the subject.

Most importantly, I’d share my own faith journey about how I experienced God’s presence in my life after I accepted Christ as my Savior.

Of course, the visitors, most of them atheists from Mainland China, wouldn’t be convinced so easily. Yet, to my amazement, many of them later turned into Christ’s faithful followers.

I’ve observed that most people came to Christ not because of how the proof or evidence convinced them. Rather, it’s the work of the Holy Spirit. 

John Calvin said it well, “It is not violent, so as to compel men by external force; but still it is a powerful impulse of the Holy Spirit, which makes men willing who formerly were unwilling and reluctant.”

While we celebrate Easter this year, let’s continue to pray for our loved ones who haven’t accepted Christ as their personal Savior. When the Holy Spirit touches their soul, they’ll learn that God’s grace is truly irresistible.