At the Sea of Galilee’s Shore (Part 3): The four disciples

by Ruth

The Sea of Galilee turned into turbulent waters. Fierce lightning lit up the midnight sky. Each illuminating flash revealed the churning waves and the wooden vessel being tossed about like a child’s toy.

Peter, Andrew, John and Thomas strained at the oars with every sinew of their bodies. Their faces, etched in fear, glistened with a mixture of sweat and seawater. The howling wind deafened their cries and whipped around their soaked garments, making every effort seem futile.

Peter looked toward the distant shore, dimly visible through the heavy rain. “Where are we? Are we even heading the right way?” His voice cracked under the strain.

Andrew shouted back. “We have no choice but to keep going. We can’t let the sea take us!”

Fishermen by trade, they had faced many storms before, but this one, unusually violent, was different. Fear gnawed at their hearts. They had been struggling for hours and became fatigued.

Suddenly, a hush fell. The wind’s ferocious howl took on a low, ghostly moan, and the waves became more rhythmic, though still formidable. The four of them peered through the gloom and tried to comprehend the eerie stillness.

John, ever observant, was the first to see him—a figure walking upon the water. As he drew nearer, the form became clearer. John rubbed his eyes, hoping to dispel the illusion. But it was no illusion.

“A ghost!” Thomas pointed a finger at the approaching figure, which appeared serene against the chaotic backdrop of rolling waves.

The watery apparition came closer, and the familiar features of their teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, became unmistakable. Clad in a simple cloak that billowed as if in a breeze not of this world, Jesus walked on the surface of the waters.

“Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid!” Jesus’ voice carried across the tumultuous sea, imbued with a power that commanded even the elements.

Awe wash over the disciples. Peter, filled with a rush of boldness, stood up, still unsteady from the rocking boat. “Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.”

Jesus nodded. “Come.”

With a mixture of fear and faith, Peter swung a leg over the side of the boat and set his foot on the churning water. To his amazement, it held. For a few moments, he walked towards Jesus, his eyes fixed on the Lord. Yet as he looked around at the wind and waves, doubt crept in. He began to sink.

“Lord, save me!” he cried out in panic.

Jesus reached out his hand and caught Peter. “You of little faith,” he helped Peter into the safety of the boat, “why did you doubt?”

As Jesus stepped into the boat, the wind died down and the waves became as calm as glass. The disciples fell before Him. “Truly, you are the Son of God.”

In the stillness that followed, a peace transcended the storm they had weathered, a presence that confirmed their faith and banished their fears. They knew with a certainty that the Lord would walk with them through every storm.


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